I loved this so much! You can learn a lot about another person from their cookbooks, from the most splattered recipes, the dog ears... so interesting to read about your evolution. And thank you so so much for including Cucina Povera in this roundup.

I agree with your approach: “Learn from others, and find your own way.”

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I’m so glad! And I completely agree, I’m so interested to learn about what other people are reading for recipes. That’s how I found your book and many others :)

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Richard Simmons cooks? Who knew! Next up, the Bob Ross Cookbook. Yup, it’s real.

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The more obscure the better! I've got to know what Bob Ross was cooking...

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The evolution of what we cook and pay attention to in the kitchen is a stimulating journey once we allow it to unfold. I very much enjoyed reading about your ongoing journey.

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Thanks so much, Jack. Paying attention to where attention goes is an obsession of mine:)

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