I’m breezing through Coming to My Senses: The Making of a Counterculture Cook by Alice Waters and just cracking open Tasting Food, Tasting Freedom: Excursions into Eating, Power, and the Past by my fav Sidney W. Mintz. He has a gift for the incisive and profound introduction, and this one includes more of his humor (stories about his dad’s horror at his mom’s lack of sensual delight connected to food) which I love. I’m still very early in the book, but I expect to write about it more soon. I’m also reading the forthcoming Out of the Sierra: A Story of Rarámuri Resistance by Victoria Blanco, preparing to interview her. It’s a gorgeous, devastating book that shows (among many things) just how unnatural and inhumane capitalism is to Indigenous people, people in general, and the environment. The book is out June 11 and I hope you’ll consider pre-ordering!
Emails, editing my interview with Diego Gerard Morrison about his novel Pages of Mourning (out May 7!), and the zine project that I’ve been slowly working on since October.
Mostly bread, to have with avocado or nut butters. Another batch of granola (I like to sprinkle some on my oatmeal along with the ground flax seeds and hemp hearts for a little extra crunch.) And extremely lazy baked tofu (didn’t even press it today, sue me) that still is quite satisfying. It’s been a rough few weeks, and whenever I have to more actively work through my anxiety, food plays an active role. I don’t always cook much, but when I do, and when I eat, it forces me to pause and remember: I am a body. I am alive. I can savor this sustenance and not think about anything else for a few minutes.
The Good Enough Weekly comes out every Friday, alternating an essay with Of the Week (like today.) This time last year I wrote: “Raging to change the machine + Nurture House.” I also take on freelance editing and writing projects. Reach out if you’re looking for help in those departments — I’ve worked on everything from zines to textbooks. More info here.